Monday, February 21, 2011

antara 2 cinta + bebas dari belenggu

Dis week, I berkesempatan pergi 2 forum..n here I would like to share about it with u all .hope it will be benefited by u and especially by me myself..^^;
1st sal antara 2 cinta by ust Akhil Hayy n ustzh Fatima syarha.., conducted within zikrulmaut week..
Forum ni berkisar tentang cinta Allah vs cinta manusia..memangla generally semua org dh tau dh bnda ni..
“alah,mestilah pasal love after married xkanla ustz ngan ustazah 2 nak cerita sal love before married,mesti pnya dorang ckp cnta Allah 2 la cnta sejati dunia akhirat..malas ah nak pergi..dah tau dh bt pa nk pergi dngar lgi”
Mm,..ya..that’s the adkah kta btul2 bt ap yg kita dh tau 2???hmm,xnakla ckp bnyak2 sal ni,isu sensitiff..haha..berbuih mulut ustz, ustzh ckp pn,walau berpuluh talk sal bnda yg sama kita g dngar pn,klu iman dlm diri x cukup kuat, hnyalah “bagai mencurah air ke daun keladi”..all depends on u..
Sini i nak berkongsi la 1 tips dr ustzh Fatimah Syarha,cmna nk uruskan fitrah suka??
klu la kita ad terminat,terkagum kt someone..that’s a normal 4 us normal kta kna pnday control suma 2..
1st~muhasabah diri balik..napa kita tersuka kt dy..adkh kerana rupa?harta?mahupun iman?check balik bagaimana dy tawarkan cntanya pada urusan yg penting.adkh kita ingin bersama dgn org yg memimpin kita ke arah zina?.kita hnyalah melihat pada luaran namun Allah melihat pada dalamannya!!
2nd~jagalah ikhlas di hati..bila kita tdk ikhlas,tiadalah rasa dalam melakukan sesuatu..di sinilah terjadi, apabila kita mudah tertipu dgn manusia yg bertopengkan syaitan laknatullah…masyaAllah..
3rd~tutuplah pintu fitnah..perlu sentiasa sensitive dlm melakukan sesuatu perkara. plus dlm menilai baik dan buruk..
4th~persiapkan diri..disini,kita selalu mempersiapkan diri dgn bf or gf sedarlah semua itu hnya mengundang kemungkaranNya..cukuplah dngan kita menghantar sms pd family kita like “I luv u mom” which is rarely we do..bagi present kat our siblings,semua ni kan lebih appropriate di sisi Islam..secara x langsung daptalah kita persiapkan diri dgn cara yg betul..
Next is about~bolehkah bercinta dlm Islam tapi belum bersedia nak kahwin??
Sabda nabi SAW: Allah itu cemburu, mukmin yg ada sifat iman itu juga cemburu..
Di sini,pentinglah utk kita ingat bila Allah cemburu dgn kita which means apabila kita mengagungkan cinta manusia lebih dari cnta Allah, nescaya akan turunnya azab yg besar pd kita..
Apakah azabnya??
Tiada lg rasa indah dan seronok dlm melakukan kebaikan..kita akn buat ap yg kita suka tanpa dipedulikan olehNya lg,,,masyaAllah..
Moga kita antara insan terpilih yg mendapat kemanisan love after married..yg membawa kpd bait al-muslim,dan menuju ke syurga yg kekal abadi..honestly speaking, is not easy for us to forget someone that we loved..cinta yg membutakan kita or kita yg buta kerana cinta??..but, as long as we tried, insyaAllah , He may help us in finding the way..juz put a hope and trust in Him!!..
2nd sal bebas dari belenggu by Dr Azhar Sarip, Prof Madya Dr. Alizi, Ust Shaharom~conducted by I luv islam+Inspire club IIUM..
Forum ni sal nak bebaskan diri kita dari belenggu2 surrounds us..belenggu di sini adlah masalah yg kita sendiri created okey!!coz, kita tend utk think something using otak kiri kita yg ad 80% negative..
So to be a positive person, we need to remove or lesser that 80% first, coz the positive ion is already there..
*Semua ujian yg datang dri Allah, bknlah masalah utk, whenever we stuck with problem, said thanks to Allah..and insyaAllah He will show us the way to solve it..
“God knows the wisdom why good things happen to bad people and why bad things happen to good people"~don't feel down whenever you feel sad or worry on everything happen to you!!"If God wants to do good to somebody,He afflicts him with trials"
“Barangsiapa bertakwa kepada Allah, nescaya Dia akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar.
Dan memberi rezeki kepadanya tanpa di sangka-sangka.
Dan barangsiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkannya.
Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan yang dikehendakiNya.
Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.”~ayat seribu dinar~
hmm,sorryla if it's not properly explained,coz I juz briefly sum up from that forum..^^.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ya Rasullullah..

In a time of darkness and greed
It is your light that we need
You came to teach us how to live
Muhammad Ya Rasool Allah
You were so caring and kind
Your soul was full of light
You are the best of mankind
Muhammad Khaira Khalqillah
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habib Al Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One
From luxury you turned away
And all night you would pray
Truthful in every word you say
Muhammad Ya Rasul Allah
Your face was brighter than the sun
Your beauty equaled by none
You are Allah’s Chosen One
Muhammad Khaira Khalqillah
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habib Al Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One
I will try to follow your way
And do my best to live my life
As you taught me
I pray to be close to you
On that day and see you smile
When you see me
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habibil Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habibi Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

The choosen one~Maher Zain